BOOK LAUNCH | Other Words for Smoke by Sarah Maria Griffin

TONIGHT WAS AMAZING! I got to meet (again) one of my favourite authors. By all accounts, Sarah Maria Griffin is one of the best people on the PLANET and I seriously love her so much! This launch for her second fiction novel was packed full of awesome people and her beautiful pink book, Other WordsContinueContinue reading “BOOK LAUNCH | Other Words for Smoke by Sarah Maria Griffin”

Celebrate International Women’s Day!

HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY !!! This is such a wonderful day for ladies the world over. I love seeing females lift each other up and celebrate their successes! Life can be stressful and hard, so finding the time to celebrate the small things makes it all worthwhile. And I’m not saying IWD is a smallContinueContinue reading “Celebrate International Women’s Day!”

I’m on Bloglovin’!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin I’ve been busy these last few days, and something new I want to share with you is I just joined Bloglovin’!! I recently had a friend tell me about it, so I checked it out and it seems like a lot of fun! So, go check it out and findContinueContinue reading “I’m on Bloglovin’!”

That time I saw Scott Lynch & Elizabeth Bear

Right, so I live in Ireland. The distant younger sister of the United Kingdom, and the strange cousin of the United States, that is never invited to the best parties… We rarely get great international authors on tour, and it’s even more rare that we get a book convention…(PLEASE CAN WE ORGANISE A BLOW OUTContinueContinue reading “That time I saw Scott Lynch & Elizabeth Bear”

Life, death, and other happenings

Hello Wayfarers! I am so, so sorry I’ve been such a ghost lately. Things have really changed in my life these last couple of weeks, and I’ve been dealing with A LOT! I recently found out that my uncle committed suicide, so that was a major shock (as most people say – he was suchContinueContinue reading “Life, death, and other happenings”